As i´ve stated on my Twitter, "happyness is a trip not a destine", those words were said by Henfil, a nice brasilian writter. (It is awesome to know his biography).
But what is the meaning of it? It means, happyness is everywhere, everymoment, in everyone. You don´t look for happyness, you are happy! You don´t find happyness, you feel all the time! What you need to know is you are happy! Simple as that.
Now, how to feel happyness...concentrate in all good things you have feel, the people you love, the people that loves you! Look at yourself at a mirror, smile and say you are happy, then you will became to feel happyness inside you! That is a nice exercise, try it!
below, im posting the full text of Henfil
"For long, I thought my life will became a life of truth
However, there have been always a step at the way, something to get over before start to live
an unfinished work, an unpaid bill,
after that, my life will start!
In the end, i came out with one conclusion. All those steps were in fact, my life!
Looking that way, helped me to understand that there is no correct way to happyness,
happyness is the way!
Thus, enjoy the all your moments you got
And enjoy even more if you have someone to share, special enought to share your spare time;
and remember that time do not wait none!
Therefore, stop to wait finish College;
or to return to College;
or lose 5kg;
or gain 5kg;
or to have children;
or wait till your children leave home;
or to get married;
or to get a divorce;
or wait for Friday night;
or for Monday morning;
or till you bought a new car or new home;
or till your car or home have been paid;
or to next summer
fall or winter;
or till you retire;
till your music plays;
till you finish your drink;
till you get sober;
or till you die!
and decided there is no better hour to be happy than now...
Happyness is a trip not a destiny"
Be happy!
I liked this littlebee. Para mim a felicidade é um estado mental, e se algumas pessoas querem ser feliz só depois de alguma coisa, é um tanto desnecessário, e acho que este poema mostra isso. Classifico tais coisas apenas como aumento de qualidade de vida, e nada mais.